We tried the subsoiler Quivogne SSDR M 5 with the rebuilding of the hop – garden. That means the hop was over 20 years old and they need to plant new one. For the destroying of old hop plants they used 10 litres of Roundup chemicals for one hectares. That was chemical destroying.
For the mechanical destroying they used the subsoiler with working depth over 50 cms. The subsoiler tore up the roots in the soil and the subsoiler pulls it out on the ground. This is important to do it on the cross of hop-garden. Now the farmer has to wait about two days. After drying of wet soil he will use the subsoiler again and he will work for longitudinal side. That means he will destroy rest of lumps of soil and he will level up the hop-garden.
The subsoiler was joined with tractor JD 5080 (80 HP) but with chip has 100 HP and worked around 45 – 50 cms.
Next video will be continue on the Thursday. How the machine is leveling the ground.